Few lessons to learn from a non-social networking socialite!
Long long long ago I once used Facebook …….and that’s it! Then I
never used it again.
To your surprise I’ve been asked a million times why I don’t use
Facebook and even have been interviewed a couple of times for that.
My simple answer would be I never felt the need to use social
media ever since.
Ever since? Yes I started using Facebook when the social media
craze started. Wait! To be honest I also used Orkut.
Yes! I am that old. (For those who know what Orkut really was)
Anyways! As I was saying. I used it for a year I think. I also
made a page for my small clothing business which didn't go very well.
Eventually one day I thought it’s more of a fake book then Facebook for me.
You don’t agree with me?
Just think for a second have we never pressed like even if we
don’t like something on Facebook at all. Don’t you hate it when you see on
Facebook that Sarah’s boyfriend is sexier than yours and loves and cares about
her too?
How many a times have we taken a picture to really cherish a memory
for long, rather so we can put it on Snapchat, Instagram or Facebook, so we can
show people how happy we are although we are dying from multiple anxiety
I can go on with the examples because my list of reasons is
long enough to provide you with facts.
But then the major dilemma is even if you agree with me, and one
day you decide you want to quit a few or all of the social media sites. What the hell will you do in all the free
time you will now have that you wasted using social media sites for
So let me throw some light on the basic psychological changes I
made in my life after I dump Social media sites.
1. Got rid of multiple insecurities caused by
seeing stupid useless stuff on those social media sites.
2. Started loving who I was.
3. Started enjoying life for real
4. Got close to people who really cared about
5. Got out of the delusional world that did
not exist.
Believe it
or not unconsciously using these sites do create considerate level of peer
pressure, anxiety and self-image issues and I only realized it after I stopped
using them.

Recent studies show that a lot of depression is being developed in
people by using social media for long duration and it will become a major
cause of disability in high income countries till 2030. Kudos! to people living
in a low income country though!
Other than all those psychological changes I also started to do a
few more things.
I spent time with books and real people to know their real
emotions, to know what they really face in the world and understood that life
is not as easy as hitting the like button or updating a status. It’s about connecting
with those who need you, putting a smile on people's face who haven’t smiled for
ages, cherishing moments that leave you with goosebumps and feelings of joy
that you can never feel looking at a picture.
After all life is beyond the keyboards of our phones and laptops rather it’s
in the eyes of those who capture memories forever in their hearts!
Though I may not say stop using these social media sites! I might say
start living in reality a little more so that our hearts can beat a little
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